Theme Requirements
To run WordPress Theme we recommend using a host that supports:
PHP version 7.3 or greater.
MySQL version 5 or greater OR MariaDB version 10.0 or greater.
We recommend you make sure that your server PHP configuration limits are as follows:
max_execution_time 600
max_input_time 600
memory_limit 256M
post_max_size 128M
upload_max_filesize 128M
max_input_vars 3000
Theme Installation
Step by step instructions for install WordPress Theme:
- Login to WordPress admin panel
- Go to: Appearance > Themes
- Click on the Add New button, then click on the Upload New
- Upload theme zip file
- Click on the Activate button

If you have some problem with this method please try another instalation way.
Supplementary link with description of theme installing via FTP or CPanel:
Plug-ins Installation
After uploading the theme, you'll be redirected to the step-by-step installation box. There you'll see the list of required and recommended plugins.

List of required plugins:
- Rebell Core - theme core plugin (is required for using all custom modules, post-types, theme options and more other);
- WGL Extensions - theme plugin (includes all authors' extensions, functionality, features);
- Elementor Page Builder
List of recommended plugin:
- Contact Form 7 - plugin for easy create contact form
- Revolution Slider - plugin for create beautiful slides
- WooCommerce - use this plugin for your shop
- Advanced AJAX Product Filters - unlimited AJAX products filters to make your shop perfect
- WPC Smart Compare for WooCommerce - smart products compare for WooCommerce.
- WPC Smart Wishlist for WooCommerce - powerful tool that can help your customer save products for buy later
- bbPress - is forum software with a twist from the creators of WordPress.
- BuddyPress - community features to WordPress. Member Profiles, Activity Streams, Direct Messaging
- Better Messages - realtime private messaging system for WordPress
- BuddyPress Docs - adds collaborative Docs to BuddyPress
- rtMedia for WordPress, BuddyPress and bbPress - adds missing media rich features like photos, videos and audio uploading to BuddyPress
- Verified Member for BuddyPress - allows admins to add a "Verified" badge for specific members
- BP Classic - BuddyPress Classic backwards compatibility add-on
- BuddyPress Docs - event registration and booking management for WordPress
Child Theme
A WordPress child theme allows you to apply custom code changes to your site and dont lose it with update of main theme.
After theme installation, you can install child-theme. Please find it in the downloaded folder. You can same way install child theme as like parent theme.
Demo Content
Our Theme have One Click Demo Import
Please follow a few steps to make it:
- Go to WebGeniusLab > Demo Import
- Click on the Import Demo button

Import option:
- Entire demo data - import the entire demo content with all demo pages
- Partial - import only the required elements of the theme (certain pages, the demo settings of Theme Options, widgets)
Theme Options
Like a theme options panel in our product, we use Redux Framework. It is very easy to use.

In this panel you can customize fields like that:
- Use minify css/js
- Preloader (on/off, colors)
- Back to Top (on/of, colors, border)
- Custom JS
- Header
- Logo
- Header Builder with header preset and settings
- Sticky builder with settings
- Mobile builder with settings
- Page title
- Main layout settings for page title
- Typography page title
- Footer Settings
- Copyright
- Blog (single, archive)
- Portfolio (single, archive)
- Team (slug, title background)
- Page 404 (title background)
- Sidebars (Register sidebar, layout for page)
- Color Options (main theme color, body background)
- Typography
- Main content (content typography, headings main setting)
- Menu typography
- Heading typography (h1-h6)
- Shop
- Catalog (layout, page title, columns, product per page)
- Single (layout, page title)
- Related product (columns, count of items)
- Cart
- Checkout
- Demo Importer
- Import Export Theme Options config
Header Builder
In our product for easy customize header we use own developed Drag&Drop Header Builder Powered By Elementor. With Header builder you can create "header templates", select one of these templates to apply globally or locally on the page.
We have created special modules for uses in the Header Templates: Logo, Menu, Current Date, Delimiter, Icon + Text, Search, Side Panel Button
Follow a few main rules for edit and apply Header Templates:
1. Select Header Template from the list or create a new one to get it active in Selector of Header Templates. This setting allows you to apply the Header Template for the whole site.
2. Go to the Header Templates for editing or creating a new one
3. You have the possibility to select different Header Templates for each page at the Page Settings.
Mobile Header Builder
In order to manage the Mobile header, we provide the functionality for creating Custom Mobile Header.
First of all, you need to go to Theme Options > Header > Header Mobile and enable the Custom Mobile Header.
Inside the Mobile Header Tool are available two options:
- Header Templates (recommended) - select your custom Mobile Header built with Elementor.
- WGL Header (deprecated builder)
We recommend using this type of creation for the Mobile header. It provides a great amount of functionality and makes your work easier with a visual page builder.
Mobile Drawer Content
In Theme Options > Header > Mobile Header > Mobile Drawer Tool could be selected the custom template for the Mobile Drawer Content.
To create custom Drawer template you need to create template inside the Saved Templates > select the Mobile Drawer type.
Inside the tempalte could be added any tools like WGL Menu with Vertical Layout, Search, Cart and etc.
In WGL Mobile Drawer Settings you can find a large amount of settngs for this area like Width, animation, the color of the CLose icon etc.
Page Builder and custom modules
Our theme has a lot of flexible modules. You can use that with one of the best page builder (Elementor). Every module has a lot of options: size, color, alignment, styles types. This flexibility gives you a possibility built theme appropriate to your needs .
Every module has an icon which is a small visual presentation of the module.
"WGL Extended" is a group of very customizable modules developed by our team. Strongly recommended for use in our themes.
Every module has extended settings of colors, typography, alignment and queries:
List of content modules:
- Counter - display counter with title and description
- Carousel - use this module and rotate any modules
- Testimonials - module for display feedback from a client
- Info Box - can be used for presentation beautiful info with icon, title, text and button which is linked to something
- Flip Box - similar to an Info Box module but animated with flip effect
- Image Layers - provides you the ability to create animated layered images
- Pricing Table - display your price policy with price table
- Button - one of the main content element with flexible style settings
- Double Headings - custom style of heading
- WGL Text Module - set your own styles and font-family on the text
- Countdown Timer - use this module as a countdown timer before your events occur
- Video Popup - display video within the popup in sace of user's click on the special button
- Clients - display logo of your clients with link and animation
- Social Icons - style social icons as you wish
- Time Line Vertical - display timeline of main events
- Progress Bar - display your skill with the percentage bar
- Portfolio List - show a grid of items with animation from Portfolio post-type
- Team List - show grid of items with animation from Team Members
- Accordion Service - present the info in stylish tabs with beautiful animation
- Blog - show a list of existing Blog posts
- Circuit Service - one more way to show the info in a sircle with hover animation
- Demo Item - display the demo of a certain item with Coming Soon option
- WGL Gallery - use this module to show your photos
- Image Animate - group the images and create beautiful animation by yourself
- Image Comparison - let you to display images in comparison like before\after
- Image HotSpots - highlight the important items putting the hot spots
- Pie Chart - display the circular statistical graphic
- Products Grid - display all available products in one of existing styles: grid, list, carousel
- Satellite Service - display the info with icon and astonishing animation around it
- Service - strict stylish way to present the information with icon, title, image and links
- Tabs - show the tabs in a stylish layout
- Toggle/Accordion - create the list with the toggle function
- Working Hours - display your working hours
- WGL Login - add the button with a login option
- WGL Contact Form 7 - provides the ability to style the form without CSS
- Instagram - immitates the Intagram carousel, displays the posts
- Rotated Text - allows to put rotated text along the left side
- Showcase - showcase the elements before redirecting to the page
- Link Overlay - attach the link to the entire row\column or elements which don't contain the link option
- Background Clip Text - adds the transparent text with the image on background
- Button Physics - create the bubble-button and play with its position the front end
- Cases - can be used for stylish presentation of the information with icon, carousel or chess layout
- Dynamic Title - intended for displaying the custom or dynamic title on the Archive page
- Product Categories - display the Product categories on any page
- Showcase 2 - showcase the elements before redirecting to the page
- Steps - the Timeline analogue it chess order
- Zoom - the module consists of pre-made templates. Intended for a smooth transition into the next module with a zoom effect
- Woo Wishlist - display the products that were added to the Wishlist
- Forums List - show the list of existing forums.
- BP Communications - provides the ability to show badge notifications regarding new messages, groups, notifications
- BuddyPress Pofile - dropdown element for quick access to the profile
- BuddyPress Pofile Mobile -responsive element for quick access to the profile
- Mobile Menu Button - add the button for quick access to the mobile menu
Extended Animation and Features
These options are intended to create a stylish background animation and to add some specific features.
All Extended Row Animation and Features are available in the "Style" area of the editing Elementor section.
Every tool has its specific features:
List of extended row animation and features
- WGL Blur - allows you to blur the background of the section under another content
- WGL Background Text - use this feature to pay attention to the required section
- WGL Parallax - add a parallax effect to the background
- WGL Shape Devider - use this tool to add the effect of torn line
- WGL Particles - add animation of soaring balls
- WGL Particles Image - add the soaring animation of the custom images
- WGL Dynamic Highlights - put the colorful animated spotlight behind the text\image with the ability of dynamic color change scrolling the page
- WGL Morph - add the Morphs elements to the background
- WGL Opacity by Gradient - allows to add the opacity by gradient on both sides of the section
- WGL Sibling Columns Fade - hinglight a certain area hovering on the element
- WGL Animate on Scroll - moving animation for the section, will be visible by scrolling the page
- WGL Dynamic Colors - changes the background color scroing the page
Background animation and features
- WGL Fluid Animation - adds the fluid background animation, which appears with the cursor movement (includes the ability to manage the colors, diffusion, and size of the animation).
If you want to use the WGL Fluid Animation tool, you need to enable the animation in the Page Settings via the Elementor editor.
The fluids appear on the entire page at once, where was not set the background. (if somewhere you don't want to use the animation, you need to add the background color or image)
- Keys press sensitivity - press the following buttons on the keyboard in order to see additional scroll animation features:
- P-pause - allows drawing with the help of the cursor. After the second press on the button, the animation will diffuse
- Space - press this button scrolling the page. The background of the entire page will be fully animated
Button animation
List of extra features
There are some extra features available on the theme:
- WGL Text path module - intended to create animated text line. Contains a few layouts. Could be animated with scrolling through the page or in an infinite loop.
- Cursor Tooltip feature - provides the ability to set a custom Cursor Tooltip. Could be set for a certain element separately as an additional option (WGL Button, WGL Doule Heading, WGL Portfolio, WGL Team, WGL Info Box, WGL Service, WGL Showcase) or for an entire section at once.
As a tooltip, you can set a custom image, custom text, or default text.
Mega Menu
Mega Menu is a drop-down panel of the content, which is displayed below a header. It makes all the required information\options visible at once.
In this theme, Mega Menu could be created with the help of Elementor Templates. It provides the ability to add any content, like it could be done on simple pages.
1. Go to your dashboard > Templates > Saved Templates > WGL Mega Menu. There you can edit the existing templates or create a new one.
2. After the successful creation of the templates for the Mega Menu, you need to enable the Mega Menu option.
Go to Appearance > Menus > select the required Parent menu page and enable the menu option with Elementor Builder
3. Below select the required template among pre-made templates.
4. Don't forget to set the position of the menu under the Menu elements and the width of the Mega Menu content box.
Don't make the content box very small, it will break the structure!
*If after making changes in the templates, the Mega Menu style is broken, you need to synchronize the library in Elementor > Tools:
Archive Pages
Archive pages are intended to organize a list of posts under a certain post type, category, or tag. You may want to create a custom Archive page and customize it to your needs if the default Archives don't meet your requirements.
Start off with a simple creation of a new template inside Saved Templates. In the New Template box select the required type of template you want to work with:
In Elementor editor should be selected the module of the required post type:
To display the custom title, with the required text, the Dynamic Title module could be used. If the Term Title & Name field is selected, the custom text will be visible.
The Post fieled is intended to display the information for the main Archive page. The Term field is intended for displaying the information for the Category pages.
If you did not find an answer to your question, please feel free to contact us.
Support Forum: -
Email: -
ThemeForest Account: - WebGeniusLab